Friday, December 23, 2011

Making Merry

And so the holidays have descended on us once more.  Airports are busy with people traveling miles to see their loved ones, stores are packed with last minute shoppers and bargain hunters,  drivers are distracted by the vision of things yet to get done, while others are mixing and basting in their kitchens  that all important Christmas feast.  It is without hesitation we dive into holiday mode wrapping and decorating and jingling all the way, and it is without thought we are programmed to do the things we do each and every year. You can't turn on the TV without seeing commercial after commercial telling us we need to buy our loved ones a Lexus or a Chia pet.  And it is every year this frenzy starts earlier and earlier and doesn't wind down until the wee hours of Christmas eve.  Through each holiday season I have cut back on the stress induced frenzy and hair pulling mayhem of this joyous and happy time.  I scaled down my gifts, giving family gift cards or money, thus avoiding the hot mess called the mall.  Christmas cards went bye-bye and were replaced by e-cards. A decaying tree in my living room no more, but instead a small living one I can transplant after the season.  Sure, I enjoy driving past the homes adorn in lights and looking into the decorated shop windows, but I've reached the age where the holidays are just one predictable cluster and cacophony of sights and sounds. I longed to simplify, de-clutter if you will, so I may perhaps feel that spark, that feeling you had as a child, that wonder of Christmas morning when that last present under the tree signed "from Santa" may have been put there by the jolly old elf himself.  Here's to bringing back the spirit, the wonder and the joy - Happy Holidays.