It's that time of year when we honor our mothers for putting up with the pains and tribulations of family life. If your mother was anything like mine, she had to endure runny noses, trips to the emergency room,

crying, whining, and those were just the teen years. For me, I grew up with two female role models, my mother and my grandmother, who lived with us until I was sixteen. Both these women watched me grow from a baby into a woman, and each one had their own special role in my life. I could go to my grandmother when I needed comfort and a monetary hand out. With my mother, I could laugh and tell her all about my day at school. In a time when most moms stayed home, I always knew I could count on mine to pick me up from school, take me to ballet or help me gather materials for a school project. Thus is the, sometimes, thankless job of motherhood. It isn't until we get older that we look back and see how important our moms were in our lives and how much we, although we try hard not to, find ourselves being more like them. I remember one Mothers' Day, when I was very young, asking my mom, "When is children's day?" She answered, "Childrens' day is every day." Happy Mothers' Day.
{photo model: Maya Real - 15 months}